Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 24, 2019

Last day at sea

We only had about nine present for Knitters and Stitchers.  A few minutes after I got there Linda (CD) announced that there was a towel animal zoo by the Lido pool.  Some of us went down to see it and take pictures.  It was amazing and the room stewards must have been up half the night making them.  I tried to count them but there were too many.  My guesstimate is at least 250.

At 10:50 most of us went down to the showroom for the farewell toast.  Champagne and Mimosas were handed out.  Linda presented a video of some of the crew and it included the penguins in a lot of places we would never see them.  The video was available for the cost of a HAL jump drive (which is shaped like a ship) - $10.  Quite a few members of the crew came up on the stage to loud applause.  The captain then had a few words to say and everyone got very emotional and there were many tears (including the captain). 

After that, Pat and Ann, Pat, Patty, Sherita, and I went to the Sunday Brunch.  Like last week, it was a menu with choices.

Our last afternoon trivia with Linda saw us only getting 14 out of 20.  The winners had 16.

1) According to a modern military manual, what is the origin of a salute?

2) How many time zones does Russia have?

3) What US city is the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

4) What country gained full independence from South Africa in 1990?

5) What is a furbelow – a ruffle, a scuffle, or a truffle?

6) Bonus – (1/2 point each) Name 10 body parts that have three letters.  No slang names.

I had my last afternoon ice cream before going to arts and crafts.  We talked about the things we had made and which were our favorites.

I went back to my cabin to finish my packing.  After finishing up my box, I only had about 5.5 inches of tape left.  Luckily, Patty had some left from her box.  More and more things seemed to come out of the woodwork and I am thinking the large suitcase I am taking on the plane may be overweight.

Again, we were close at evening trivia with 14 out of 20 but two teams had 15.  Both Erin and Alice gave the questions and there was more crying.

1) What two songs were the focus of a lawsuit between Chuck Berry and the Beach Boys?  For an extra point, who won?

2) What police department in the US had the first woman?

3) Within 10%, what percentage of the Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen?

4) In what decade was the Breathalyzer invented?

5) Which national flag depicts a bunch of bananas?

All of us present for dinner.  I had a Caesar salad, prime rib (only so-so), and a sundae for dessert.

I went to the show which was a variety show featuring a magician (can’t remember his name), a vocalist, Jennifer Singer, and Jim Curry singing more John Denver songs.

When I returned to my cabin, Heri and Agus (my room stewards) were picking up luggage so I threw some more things in and started lugging them out.  I forgot to put tags on two of them so had to run down the hall to get them on before the bags disappeared.  I had all suitcases and the box out by 11:20.

Towel Zoo


Sunday Brunch

fruit plate

carne asada

apple crisp

trivia stretch

Afternoon team (l-r) Pat, Ann, Pat, Sherita, Patty, and me

evening trivia team - (l-r) Pat, Sherita, Chris, Pat, Patty, and me

Beautiful evening sky

Afternoon trivia

1) When a knight would raise his visor

2) 11

3) Cleveland

4) Namibia

5) Ruffle

6) Arm, leg, hip, jaw, ear, eye, gum, toe, rib, and lip

Evening trivia

1) Surfin’ USA and Sweet Little Sixteen, Berry won

2) Los Angeles

3) 78%

4) 1930s

5) Fiji

Smooth sailing until next time!


  1. Thank you so much for your fantastic blogging of your cruise. It helped us decide the Amazon was not for us. Thank you again.

  2. Really enjoyed your blog but interestingly it has also helped me to decide this cruise is not for me. I thought this was my bucket list cruise but actually it’s not
