Friday, March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019

Santarem, Brazil

I never could find anything that I wanted to do today.  It was a two-mile (one-way) walk into the city and there was no shuttle.  You could take a taxi (I heard they were charging $10 each way) but there was nothing I really wanted to see so I stayed by the pier where they had a small handicraft fair. 

Pat and I left the ship around 10 am and were back by 11.  We knitted in the Crow’s Nest until we had a late lunch.

Afternoon trivia was at 4 pm.  Patty was not back from her excursion and Sherita came in towards the end.  We had 15 out of 20.  The winners had 18.

1) From 1815-1821, Longwood House was the involuntary residence of whom?

2) Bathing caps were originally invented to prevent what in pools?

3) Goya was what nationality?

4) Demi Moore was in what soap opera?

5) What pop star’s first and middle names are “Kathryn Dawn”?

I spent some time out on my deck after getting ready for dinner.  I was able to see some of the city of Santarem as we sailed away.

We had 16 out of 20 in evening trivia.  The winners had 17.

1) What was voted the most popular film of all time in Israel and Sweden in 1990?

2) What country comes last alphabetically?

3) What is the only Arab country without a desert?

4) What fast food franchise has the most locations world-wide?

5) What country administers New Caledonia?

All of us were present for dinner but I left before dessert to go to Name That Tune.  I had fruit and ham for dinner.

Pat, Patty, Sherita and I won Name That Tune with 16 out of 18.  We stayed and listened to Stevie for awhile so I did not go to the show.
On the pier
     There were a couple of ferries loading supplies and people 

no seats or beds on the ferry - bring your own hammock

The Handicrafts

lots of piranhas

From my deck

taking a picture of us

"Meeting of the Waters" of the Amazon and the Tapajos Rivers.  This is caused by different water temperatures, speeds, and water density.

Afternoon trivia

1) Napoleon Bonaparte

2) Clogged drains

3) Spanish

4) General Hospital

5) k. d. lang

Evening trivia

1) Pretty Woman

2) Zimbabwe

3) Lebanon

4) Subway

5) France

Smooth sailing until next time!

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