Saturday, March 9, 2019

March 9, 2019

Boca da Valeria, Brazil

Boca da Valeria is a small village (population about 100) at the junction of the Valeria and Amazon Rivers.  Most people make their money from fishing.  A few ships stop here – five are scheduled for this year and nine next year.

We were told to go armed with many dollar bills.  People come in from the surrounding area and dress up, bring their sloths, birds, snakes, etc.  and expect (even though I did not hear any directly ask)  $1 for a picture.  Some of the children want to show you around although I did not see many passengers taking advantage of this service.  Crafts are available for purchase – mainly carved wooden items.  The villagers also offer boat rides for $5 per person.

Sherita, Pat, and I took the tender over at about 9:30 and walked around, bought a few things, and took lots of pictures.  I met up with some nasty ants that seemed to enjoy bug repellant (I had to spray anti-itch medicine on my feet when I returned.

We returned just after 11 and met up shortly later for some knitting in the Crow’s Nest.  Sherita and I went to lunch in the Lido a little after 1 and stayed their and knitted until afternoon trivia.

We had 12 out of 18 and the winners had 14 correct.

1) In what country does the Rhine get to the sea?

2) What element has the atomic number of 3?

3) San Diego’s Balboa Park was built to commemorate what?

4) What fictional character lives at 344 Clinton Street, Apartment 3D?

5) In what language was the Magna Carta written?

I spent about a half hour on my deck watching life on the Amazon.

In evening trivia we tied two other teams with 16 out of 18 but, once again, lost the tie-breaker.

1) Liberty Island (where the Statue of Liberty is) was known as what until 1956?

2) What wiped out Napoleon’s Caribbean troops and ended his plans to colonize in the New World?

3) Which Queen hit did Sylvester Stallone almost use as the theme for Rocky III?

4) What sport is featured in 1985’s Vision Quest?

5) What was the ultimate destination of most people using the Underground Railroad?

All of us were present for dinner.  I had scallop ceviche, a spring roll, pot roast, and a strawberry sundae.

I sat with Pat and Tom in the Ocean Bar (she was starting her 5th baby sweater and she has only been knitting for about six weeks) before going to the show.  It was the MacDonald Brothers second show and once again they received a standing ovation.  Unfortunately, they get off tomorrow.

We have only our second time change for the cruise tonight and we gain an hour of sleep. 
From my deck
one of the little boats used to take people around

the village

our ship photographers taking some shots

it is the rainy season

In the village
the school where our donations went

the church

the facilities

those are live critters - the grasshopper was the scariest

the cutest sloth you've ever seen

they are very soft

and weigh next to nothing

a very cute little girl and a really ugly fish

Sherita and a toucan

Afternoon trivia

1) Netherlands

2) Lithium

3) The opening of the Panama Canal

4) Clark Kent (Superman)

5) Latin

Evening trivia

1) Bedloe Island

2) Yellow fever

3) Another One Bites the Dust

4) Wrestling

5) Canada

Smooth sailing until next time!

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