Monday, January 28, 2019

January 28, 2019

At Sea

Today was cool (40s) and raining off and on.  I spent about four minutes out on my deck because of the cold and the rain.

Went to Knitters and Stitchers but only about 6 were present (there were a number of lectures this morning).

Lunch in the Lido and then to afternoon trivia.  We won with 20.5 out of 23.

1) There were six Russian leaders named Ivan.  Which one was Ivan the Terrible?

2) What was the name of Speedy Gonzalez not so fast cousin?

3) What number is a hurricane of the Beaufort Scale?

4) Who was the first to invent and implement multiple choice questions – ancient Greeks, Japanese military, British Board of Education, or U.S. military?

5) In Constantinople in 523 AD there were 30,000 deaths due to rioting over what sport?

Bonus:  Name the 5 Spice Girls (not the real names) and which one is not taking part in the reunion tour.

In arts and crafts we made a memory book.  Afterwards I had another hot chocolate and sat in the library knitting.

I ate early with my other table.  I had tomato soup, chicken tikka, mac and cheese with lobster, and crème caramel for dessert.

Then it was time for evening trivia.  We had 16 out of 17 and tied with a number of teams.  We tied with three teams in the first tiebreaker but lost the second.

1) Which wedding anniversary is the crystal? (the one we missed)

2) Who recorded “The Dark Side of the Moon”?

3) Which country has the most active volcanos?

4) Which Hollywood actress was known as “The Legs”

5) What is the currency in India called?

First tiebreaker – Name the four US Presidents assassinated.

Second tiebreaker – How many muscles in an elephant’s trunk?

Went to the show at 8 pm (they had been moved to 6:30 and 8 because of rough seas).  The Divas of Motown performed again.  At 9:00 we played Name That Tune and had 18 out of 30.  The winners had 19.

 From my deck

Afternoon trivia

1) The fourth

2) Slowpoke Rodriquez

3) 12

4) US military

5) Chariot racing

Bonus – Posh, Scary, Ginger, Sporty, and Baby – Posh is not doing the tour

Evening trivia

1) 15

2) Pink Floyd

3) Indonesia

4) Betty Grable

5) Rupee

First tiebreaker – Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy

Second tiebreaker – 40,000 muscles

Smooth sailing until next time!

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