Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 9, 2019

Transit of the Panama Canal

A rather quiet day as we went through the canal.  I went to the stitching group at 10 and again there were only three of us present.  I worked until about 11:20 and then went to lunch.

After lunch I spent some time taking pictures of the canal from my deck.  At 2 the photographers took a picture of passengers and crew as the Prinsendam makes her final transit of the Canal.  We were told that we would each get a copy (free!) of the photograph as a memento.  I was sitting with my feet in the Lido pool while waiting for the picture.  I was hoping that the water would help the swelling in my feet and ankles that I have had since the first evening.  I am not sure what I have done different this year as I had virtually no swelling on the WV last year.  After the picture I decided to change and do some laps in the pool on deck 9. 

There was a full house for afternoon trivia and there were some disgruntled players who did not get “their” chosen area.  So far they have not brought in any folding chairs to the Ocean Bar so space is at a premium.  We ended up with 12 out of 18 and, once again, were the runners-up to the team next to us who had 13.

1) One day of the week has an anagram.  For one point give the day of the week and for a bonus point, the correct anagram.

2) As of 2015, 7 out of 10 of the biggest cargo ports are in what country?

3) Which organ uses 25% of the body’s oxygen supply?

4) Which is the largest Scandinavian country?

5) What was Tom Jones first UK #1 hit?

Because we are anchored overnight outside of Panama City (with tendering throughout the night), the shows tonight are at 6:30 and 8 (usually at 8 and 10).  Tonight’s show is by the four Colombian cultural ambassadors who have been onboard since Fort Lauderdale.  The show is called “A Taste of Colombia”.  It was very high energy and nicely done.

Evening Trivia was put back to 7:30. We had 13 out of 18 but two teams tied with 14.

1) According to TV guide, what was the top show of the 80s?

2) Between 1993 and 2001, what was the most expensive city in which to live?

3) Which TV host removed a pair of loafers on camera every day?

4) How many hours should you set aside to indulge in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony?

5) Between 1980 and 2000, what was the top-rated TV game show?

All present for dinner.  I had a salad, French onion soup, prime rib, and a strawberry sundae.

From my deck....

a "mule"

the flag was at half staff because today is Martyrs' Day, a national day of mourning that
deals with a January 9, 1964 incident over control of the Canal Zone

Serenissima - a very small (100 passenger) 1960 ship anchored next to us

Panama City skyline

Cultural show....

Immigration info we received....

Afternoon trivia

1) Monday – dynamo

2) China

3) Brain

4) Sweden

5) It’s Not Unusual

Evening trivia

1.  The Cosby Show

2.  Tokyo

3.  Fred Rogers

4.  4

5.  The Price Is Right

Smooth sailing until next time!


  1. That male dancer was, like, wow!! I think he might have stolen the show. Enjoyed it very much.

  2. Thank you for your blog posts Kathi, which I am enjoying very much indeed. Our cruise isn't till April, so I'm enjoying everyone elses' for the time being! The swollen ankles subject is interesting to me because I find the same happens when I am on board a cruise ship. I used to link it to heat, but a conversation on the Regent board suggested some time ago that it could be salt-related; that the water-purification system leaves some kind of residual salt in the water we're drinking. What do you think?
