Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 14, 2019

Puerto Madryn, Argentina

There was no tour I wanted so I set out about 10:30 to walk around.  My main goal was to find an ATM to get some money for Buenos Aires (the ship does not sell Argentinian money because of the way it fluctuates).  The pier was a mile long (possibly a slight exaggeration but not by much) and summer has finally returned and it was hot.  At least there was a bit of a breeze.  

I walked along the waterfront and saw the craft stalls but nothing called out to me.  With help from some friends I found the mall expecting there to be at least one ATM but I saw none.  I decided to walk to the square and on the way found a bank but nothing happened when I put my card in and everything was in Spanish so I walked on to the main square.  It was being torn up and I could not see any banks so I started back.  I found another ATM but it kept giving me the message that I had made an “invalid request”.  I gave up and went into a gift shop that took US$.  My big purchase was a magnet and I spent a total of $1!

As I was getting ready to make the long trek back on the pier, I was told that there was a free shuttle that went from the gate to the ship.  Much better than that long walk!

I was not really much impressed with Puerto Madryn.  The area along the waterfront was quite pretty but what I saw of the town was not real interesting.

When I returned to my cabin I changed into my bathing suit and went to the Lido for lunch.  I then spent a lovely two hours by the pool.  There were only a couple of people at the pool (the one on deck 9) and I had the pool to myself for swimming my laps.  I think it has been at least three weeks since the last time I was in the pool.  I enjoyed it immensely.

After changing I did a little knitting before afternoon trivia.  We tied with three other teams for the win with 14 out of 28.

1) What entertainer left his knee prints in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater?

2) What name is given to a race horse that has never won a race?

3) How many pieces are on a backgammon board when the game begins?

4) What was the first sport to be filmed and who filmed it?

5) If you were being ”lapidated” what would be happening to you?

After trivia Pat and I were helping Sherita learn how to cast on as we are going to teach her to knit.

Needed to wash the salt water from the pool off before getting ready for dinner. I am not sure which is worse – salt water or chlorinated water.

We had 11 out of 18 for evening trivia but the winning team had 13.

1) Which country has been the site of the most European battles?

2) Which martial art’s name means “gentle way”?

3) Who was the Egyptian goddess of love and marriage?

4) What was the first American automaker to introduce air bags?

5) Which composer’s music was considered so boring and out of date that his own family called him the “old wig”?

The dining rooms were all decorated for Valentine’s Day.  Two of the penguins were enjoying a romantic evening.  I had a spring roll, fruit, beef tenderloin, and a fruit cupcake for dessert.  Everyone received a rose after dinner and I ended up with three because one of the ladies at the table is allergic so I got hers and her husband’s. 

I stopped at the Ocean Bar for a short while to watch the dancing at the Valentine Day’s Dance.  The cast singers were singing while I was there.  I did not go to the show which featured a harpist.

From my deck

We were in port with Eclipse again

not sure what this was

the long, long pier

Puerto Madryn
Notice the third "welcome" is in Welsh.  A number of settlers came from Wales starting in 1865.

A day at the beach

craft stalls (above and below)

interesting design in sidewalk

inside the mall

the torn up and fenced off main square

Valentine's Day
True love!

the penguin family was also celebrating

dining room decorations


Valentine Day's Dance

sweet treats left in our cabins

my roses

Afternoon trivia

1) Al Jolson

2) Maiden

3) 30

4) Boxing, by Thomas Edison

5) Being stoned

Evening trivia

1) Belgium

2) Judo

3) Hathor

4) GM

5) Bach

Smooth sailing until next time!


  1. Now you've "turned the corner" I guess that you're headed for Montevideo at some point soon. I just wanted to tip you the wink about the Manos yarn store in the city, not that far from the central square and well worth a visit. I blogged about it here - as I said there, not the largest of selections, but at a quarter the price elsewhere, worth a detour.

    (As a knitter myself, I had to share that one ;-) )

  2. Sorry, forgetting my manners - I am very much enjoying your cruise, thank you!!

  3. I really wanted to go there but unfortunately they are closed on Sunday. I love their yarn and am just finishing a shawl made with their yarn. I have written down the information for next year as we will be in Montevideo on a Saturday. I do have a major yarn buying day scheduled in Buenos Aires! Thanks for reading!
