Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 7, 2019

At Sea

We have returned to a normal schedule of events after leaving Antarctica.

My scheduled time to have my clothes checked for going ashore in South Georgia was between 10 and 10:30.  We had to take outerwear and any bags being taken ashore.  I just happened to be heading downstairs at the same time as Pat and Tom so we talked while we were in line.  We happened to be near the front of the line so it went quickly.  One many was checking the clothes and four crew members were scrubbing shoes (just about everyone needed to have the soles of their shoes cleaned).  There was a vacuum in case any clothes needed cleaning.  When finished there was a paper to sign that you had completed the process.  It took a total of 15 minutes from when I left my cabin until I returned my clothes.

I was able to get to Knitters and Stitchers for almost an hour.  We had about 7 people come and go.  At 11:15 Pat and I went to the Ocean Bar for Name That Tune.  The rest of our team were not present so we played with two others.  We ended up with 24 points and the winners had 30.

When trivia was over we remained there because team trivia would be in the same location at 1 pm.  We ended up with 20 out of 25 but the winners had 21.

1) What was the name of the mansion in Citizen Kane?

2) How many people generally take part in osculation?

3) What is the only sea mammal that lacks an insulation layer of blubber?

4) Which continent is the largest in size and population?  Which continent is smallest in size?  Which continent is smallest in population?

5) Name the 7 countries that border Hungary.

When we were finished with trivia (it was a long one lasting 45 minutes), I was really hungry so I headed to the Lido for lunch. 

In arts and crafts we made (or at least started on) a braided bracelet.  Had my afternoon ice cream (actually pineapple sherbet) and worked on my socks.

Tonight was a Gala Night and my travel agency had a cocktail party in the Crow’s Nest from 7-8.  I played trivia first at 7.  Only four of us present.  We had 16 out of 17 but two teams tied with perfect scores.

1) The French word “encore” literally means what?

2) What is the official language of Austria?

3) What food is thought to have gotten its name because of its resemblance to a dachshund?

4) Amelia Earhart became famous by flying solo across what body of water?

5) Originally, the “M” in MTV stood for what?

All were present for dinner.  I had a salad, shrimp cocktail, tenderloin, and strawberries Romanov.  I went to the show afterwards which was “Stage and Screen” by the Prinsendam entertainers.  It was the first of their shows I have been to.  I don’t remember seeing it last year and it was very good.

Our pillow gift tonight was a game like jenga. 

Afternoon trivia

1) Xanadu

2) 2 (its kissing)

3) Sea otter

4) Asia, Australia, Antarctica

5) Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia

Evening trivia

1) Again

2) German

3) Hot dog

4) Atlantic Ocean

5) Music

Smooth sailing until next time!

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